Stones Crossing Sitting Room Furnished with a large tufted ottoman and traditional area rug

Stones Crossing Sitting Room

This Sitting Room was designed and furnished by GailGray Home. The large, spacious area consists of a calm color palette, making it the perfect relaxation spot to sit, gather, and talk. A tufted ottoman takes center stage of the illuminated space, located on top of a traditional area rug. The ottoman is the centerpiece, surrounded by identical striped lounge chairs and identical benches.

Custom drapes frame the walls of windows overlooking a magnificent view – giving you the perfect sight to the outside world, no matter where you stand. The identical deep wood chairs with matching table act as extra sitting space for gathering, but also allows you to sit and stare out the window, admiring the sights.

Contact us if you’re interested in a sitting room area designed like this for your home!

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