
I must admit – some internet trends, like the viral TikTok dances, just don’t speak to me. On the other hand, #Shelfies is one I can wholeheartedly embrace.

#Shelfies Décor and Ideas by GailGray Home


What is a shelfie, you ask? It’s a picture showcasing attractively styled shelves that is uploaded to social media with the hashtag #Shelfie. Search the hashtag and you’ll find picture after picture of shelves with beautiful displays that will make you think: “I wish mine looked like that.”


If you’re anything like me, you’ll be lost in the shelfie feed for a couple of hours. If, once you resurface, you feel inspired to organize your own shelves, here are some tips to get you started. I promise it’s not as daunting as it looks!

Tips for #Shelfies

1. Be Selective

Shelves are not the same as cabinets. They’re storage, yes, but they’re visible storage. Take the time to set aside items that you love and want to see every day. This will also help keep you from over-cluttering your shelves.


2. Create Depth & Height

Play around with layering objects. Think about what should come forward or backward, and where space is needed. Vary heights by using different sized objects or stacking smaller ones on boxes and books.


3. Variety Is Your Friend

Use lots of different mediums. Books, vases, plants, pictures, carvings, trinkets – the sky’s the limit. The more variety you have, the more interesting your display will be. Try to stick to a common color scheme or theme to achieve cohesion.


4. Embrace Odd Numbers

Odd numbered displays are more pleasing to the eye. Use groups of three or five instead of two or four.


And you know the final step – take a picture and tag #Shelfie to show off your work! We would love to see what you came up with. Tag us on Instagram @gailgrayhome so we can swoon over your shelfie!